Versatility and modularity are the watchwords of our Fiber Optic Ring Lights
Fiber Optic Ring Lights consist of two main components – the fiber optic assembly and the fiber optic illuminator.
However, since fiber optic illuminators can accept a range of fiber optic assembly microscopists wanting more than one lighting solution can buy a single fiber optic illuminator but outfit it with several different fiber optic options for different uses.
The light generated by a Fiber Optic Ring Light is generally quite directed (unlike Fluorescent Ring Lights) – very similar to the most common LED Ring Lights.
Criteria for selecting Fiber Optic Ring Lights
Select for Size
Fiber optic ring lights come in different sizes – designed to fit different lenses/objectives. Make sure you select a size that fits – a little too big is okay but too small is not.
Select for Working Distance
Fiber Optic Ring Lights are optimized for a certain range of working distances of viewing areas so use care to select one that works well with your microscope or lens.